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Monday / March 31.

From Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk – Installation of Bioswales at Van Nuys Blvd.

Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez - Bioswales at Van Nuys Blvd.

Great news! Los Angeles Sanitation & Environment, Los Angeles Department of Water & Power and the State Coastal Conservancy selected Van Nuys Blvd. in Pacoima to install bioswales. This Van Nuys Blvd. Green Street Project will capture urban runoff from a 100-acre watershed, infiltrate the water into the ground and help limit floods in our neighborhoods. The project assists the City of LA to meet water quality standards by removing pollutants such as trash, bacteria, metals, and nutrients. Keep a look out for bioswales in your community! We are expecting more to be built in the upcoming months. For more information visit:

#bioswales #community #pacoima

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