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Monday / March 31.

From Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk – Remembering Ritchie Valens, Buddy Holly, and P.J. “The Big Bopper” Richardson

Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez remembering Ritchie Valens

Today marks 61 years since the passing of Ritchie Valens, Buddy Holly, and P.J. “The Big Bopper” Richardson in a tragic plane crash on Feb 3rd, 1959, also known as “The Day The Music Died.”

Ritchie Valens, a Pacoima native, and his legacy lives on through public art and installations like Levi Fonz Ponce‘s mural (located at 13433 Van Nuys Blvd), Ritchie Valens Recreation Center, and the dedication of the 5 Freeway in the San Fernando Valley.

#RockandRoll #RitchieValens #LegendsNeverDie

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