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Monday / March 31.

From Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk – Illegal Dumping on Telfair Ave.

Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk - Illegal Dumping on Telfair Ave.

#TeamMRod identified an abandoned vehicle and illegal dumping on Telfair Ave. and Pierce St. in Pacoima. These obstacles were encroaching on the street and made it very difficult for residents to maneuver around. My office reported the vehicle to LADOT Official and the illegal dumping to 3-1-1. The next day, the vehicle was towed and the dumping was collected. These type of incidents occur too often in our communities and it is all of our responsibility to report it. If you see a similar situation contact my office at 818-485-0600.

#CD7 #IllegalDumping #AbandonedVehicle #Pacoima #Community

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