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Monday / March 31.

From Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk – Honoring the Sacrifice and the Miracle – Happy Easter

Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk - Happy Easter

Today let us honor the sacrifice and the miracle that was made for us all, through the continued sacrifice of missing out on time honored traditions that would have us all gathering at church or a park.
As we honor safer at home orders during this time, I couldn’t be more grateful for the blessings of this lil team of mine (including Hercules in the background). Let us also take a moment and recognize that some people unfortunately do not have a “team” to be with so let’s all try to call, message, or reach out however possible to those going through this challenging time on their own. I know the best of humanity is reflected through our most difficult times. Let’s get through this, together.
Our family wishes you and your loved ones all the very best! Happy Easter!

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