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Sunday / February 23.



6/11/20, 6:00 till 7:00 PM. 18–20 attended by Zoom.
The CPAB program began after 1992 riots to increase community input into policing and facilitate two-way communication between law enforcement and residents.
Phil Tabbi Jr. convened and monitored this meeting. Foothill LAPD Capt. David Grimes delivered stats and updates, then addressed questions and concerns. Senior Lead Officers have been “mobilized” for weeks, so didn’t attend.
Recent Events
LAPD has been on “Mobilization” until Wednesday, 10 June, at 5AM. Some officers have worked 12 to 17-hour days straight-through the protests/riots. Whereas an “Alert” is usually short term, Mobilizations address larger situations and/or last longer. They cancel days off and vacations. LAPD is divided into “A Watch” and “B Watch,” which alternate on 12-hour shifts.
Violence associated with Los Angeles protests dropped sharply after the first few days. Foothill Station’s area experienced a peaceful demonstration at Laurel Canyon & Osborne with 300 people, of whom 15 walked to Foothill Station and protested peacefully for 15 minutes.
Crime Stats & Alerts
Overall, our Foothill fares very well. Violent crimes (rape, aggravated assault) are down by an average of 12.8%! But crimes against property rose by 11%.
Burglaries from vehicles creeped up by 1%. Thefts are down 23%.
There was a small increase in commercial burglaries, but residential thefts dropped sharply because more people are at home.
Grand Theft Auto (GTA) rose 23%! A stolen vehicle can devastate a family, both in replacement cost and lost work. Yet deterrents are simple: Whenever possible, lock your car in a garage. If not possible, use a “club” device to immobilize the steering wheel and/or brake pedal. Sensor-triggered flood lights deter some thieves.
Most car/truck thefts happen after owners left their keys in car—sometimes with the engine running!—for a quick stop at a store! Keep your keys with you, even when you’re parked at home. Don’t be a sad stat!
Residents’ reports of drug sales included exact cross streets and makes of buyer and seller’s cars!
COVID-19 and Your Life
GOOD NEWS! Our officers, execs and staff at Foothill Station continue to have ZERO COVID-19 cases, thanks to all taking full precautions including limiting meetings.
DO NOT BE LULLED by “LA is reopening.” The COVID-19 virus remains a highly contagious threat that can be spread even when you can’t see or experience any symptoms! Numbers of cases are still rising. LA City public meetings will likely be held via Zoom for several more months. Nearly all City events such as fireworks, Christmas parties and summer picnics are canceled.
However, Summer Night Lights, a youth-oriented City parks program, will proceed. National Night Out (NNO) will probably occur, delayed to October 6th. NNOs are hosted by a local Neighborhood Council or the community, with LAPD support by Cadets, officers and possibly financial support if needed. One resident made the point that NNOs are particularly needed, because some can’t attend Zoom meetings as they don’t own a smartphone or computer.
LAPD Volunteers may return at their own risk, per Deputy Chief Rodriguez. Volunteers work inside a police station or a roving car. Either environment can expose them to the public. Elderly volunteers and those with health issues should proceed with great caution.
Racial & Ethnic Relations
The post-1992 protocols governing LAPD included forming CPAB. The force has made excellent strides in safer policing for all communities. Its Community Policing programs have many facets.
Foothill’s “Basketball Bash” was such a reach, but didn’t attract enough players. LAPD’s “Days of Dialogue” was another such program. One participant emphasized that all outreach programs MUST include heavy publicity to involve as many diverse residents as possible.
PROFESSIONAL Spanish interpreters would be helpful. Currently, informal interpreters whisper translations to Spanish-speaking members, which curtails the Good Samaritan’s full participation. The City provides interpreters for NCs, at City’s cost, so we are investigating whether these might be available for CPAB.
A resident asserted that we need greater outreach to Spanish communities because there are significant trust problems among some Hispanic neighborhoods for LAPD.
Miscellaneous Points:
Residents’ reported rising graffiti incidents.
Fireworks is a difficult crime to curtail. When LAPD arrives 20-40 minutes later, no one can be seen lighting fireworks. This year LAPD are pre-contacting addresses known for past fireworks and requesting they desist. SLOs may also drop by for a friendly chat.
To learn who “should not be in your neighborhood,” get out of the house, take walks and meet people!
# # #
The above are informal notes, not exact “minutes.”
Jon von Gunten
STNC Board Member
Rep to LAPD’s Neighborhood Watch

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