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Wednesday / March 26.

From Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk – Honor of Welcoming Our Second Olivia E. Mitchell Youth Council Cohort to the City of Los Angeles.

Last week, I had the honor of welcoming our second Olivia E. Mitchell Youth Council cohort to the City of Los Angeles. πŸŽ‰

In 2020, I led the fight to create LA’s Youth Development Department with the goal of connecting our City’s youth to important resources, information and opportunities. Subsequently, I created the Olivia E. Mitchell Youth Council to provide our youth leadership development and teach them the fundamentals of city governance so they can become effective advocates for policy development and become the leaders we need.

Congratulations to the 30 dedicated individuals who are dedicating themselves to serving our city.

Olivia E. Mitchell Youth Council Cohort

#LACityYouthCouncil #YouthDevelopmentDepartment #YDD #OliviaMitchell #FutureLeaders #Youth #YouthOpportunities #LeadershipDevelopment #TeamMRod

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