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Sunday / September 8.

From Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk – LACC is Looking to Hire Youth between the Ages of 18-26

The Los Angeles Conservation Corps (LACC) is looking to hire youth between the ages of 18-26 interested in helping beautify their community by helping plant trees, build trails, remove litter, and enhance green spaces. Earn while you learn!

In addition, LACC is looking to hire a Technical Construction Supervisor to help train and supervise youth in the construction of beautification projects.

To learn more, visit:…/jobs/ViewJobDetails…

#YouthDevelopment #YouthJobs #LACC #EnvironmentalStewardship #GreenJobs

LACC is Looking to Hire Youth between the Ages of 18-26LACC is Looking to Hire Youth between the Ages of 18-26

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