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Monday / March 31.

SFC Fighting Club


8461 Foothill Blvd, Sunland-Tujunga, CA 91040

Sunland Fight Club Gym

Our coaching program includes an amazing nutrition plan, fitness program and support system, designed to get you fit and healthy!

Our Mission

At SFC GYM OUR mission is to provide client-focused, intelligent fitness coaching and instruction for our members who demand a more efficient and effective way to be stronger, happier and healthier.

Latest Equipment

At SFC GYM we offer all the latest equipment and services, including group exercise, personal training with professionals and champions of MARTIAL ARTS while maintaining its core weight lifting tradition.

Group & Private

Group and private classes are available from ages 3 and up. If you are ready to arm your child with the knowledge of self defense, discipline and confidence the SFC GYM is your ultimate destination.


Monday 8AM–9PM
Tuesday 8AM–9PM
Wednesday 8AM–9PM
Thursday 8AM–9PM
Friday 8AM–9PM
Saturday 8AM–9PM

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