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Monday / March 31.

Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council STNC – Notice of STNC Boardmember Vacancies

STNC Boardmember Vacancies

Notice of Boardmember Vacancies

There are two seats to be filled in this category to serve for the remainder of the 2- year term that started in May 2019.

Stakeholder Group Representative
Term: 2 Years
2 vacancies as of 2-12-20
Article V – Governing Board
Section 1. B.

Stakeholder Group Representatives
Seven (7) Stakeholder Group Representatives shall be elected at large. These Representatives shall be elected from the pool of community stakeholders representing business and educational, faith-based, and community, service, youth, and special-interest organizations located in the community or meeting regularly in the community.

Attachment B
Governing Board Structure
Eligibility to Run for the Seat
Stakeholders who live within the STNC boundaries and who are 18 years old and part of an organization which has a facility and/or holds monthly meetings within the boundaries of the STNC, and the Stakeholder Group Representative regularly attends meetings at the branch of the organization.

Geographical Representative
There is one seat to be filled in this category to serve for the remainder of the 2- year term that started in May 2019.

Eligibility to Run for the Seat: Stakeholders who live, work, or own real property in Region 1 and are 16 years old at the time of filing for candidacy.

Region 1 Boundaries are the North Sunland Region: North of Foothill Boulevard, from the western STNC domain boundary east to Mount Gleason Avenue and Big Tujunga Canyon Road.

Above from the STNC Bylaws 08012018

To apply for a board position, please submit your insterest statement and contact information at the next STNC Executive Committee meeting on February 26, 2020 to be considered at the March 11 STNC Board meeting. Attending the STNC Executive Committee meeting is not a requirement but is recommended so you may learn more about the position, how to apply and responsibilities of the board position and meeting participation. Kindly submit your interest statement to

For more information please see STNC Bylaws.

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