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Monday / March 31.

From Assemblymember Luz Rivss Desk – New COVID-19 Update – Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Now Available

Assemblymember Luz Rivss Desk - New COVID-19 Update - Pandemic Unemployment  Assistance Now Available

📍New EDD update: Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) is now available for constituents that did not qualify for unemployment normally. Due to the CARES Act, workers who would have normally not qualified for unemployment benefits now do!

If you are self-employed or an independent contractor you may now qualify for unemployment assistance through the PUA. To file a claim, please visit EDD.CA.GOV:
Click on claims Under Unemployment Insurance click on Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.

You will need the following information to submit a PUA claim:

▪️Proof of Citizenship: You must be authorized to work in the US to receive benefits. If you are not a US citizen, have information from your employment authorization ready.

▪️Employment history from the last 18 months: including the name of the company or companies as they appear on your paycheck, the dates of employment, hours worked per week, gross wages earned, hourly rate of pay, and the reason you are no longer working.

▪️Specific information from your last employer or company: including mailing address, phone number, supervisor’s name, total gross wages for the last week you worked, and the reason for your change in employment.

My office is here to help, if you need any assistance please feel free to contact my District Office at 818-504-3911 or email at for more information.

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