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Wednesday / February 5.

New–required training for Neighborhood Council board and land use committees. Sign up for a class this week.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
1 – 2:30pm

Thursday, October 15, 2020
5 – 6:30pm

Saturday, October 17, 2020
11 – 12:30pm

All are available in English & Spanish – Sign Up at

New--required training for Neighborhood Council board and

Invites YOU to a ZOOM meeting of…
Coffee with a Cop (BYO Coffee!)
► Oct. 13, 2020 | 09:00 Pacific Time ◄
Join our Zoom Meeting. See below for many ways to attend!
Bring your polite questions, concerns, tall tales and suggestions!
Meeting ID: 853 2302 6281
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Meeting ID: 853 2302 6281
Join by Skype for Business
Gloria Caloca
Senior Lead Officer, Tujunga Area
818-634-0754 Cell | 818-756-8866 Office
12760 Osborne St. | Pacoima, CA 91331


California Latinas earn less and are laid off first. This is completely unacceptable. I am working with my colleagues in the California Latino Legislative Caucus to create a new two-year initiative to change that. More to come soon. #UnseenLatinas

California Latinas earn less and are laid

Hosting the Personal Assistance Services Council
Hosting the Personal Assistance Services Council

Next Friday, on October 16th from 9am – 1pm, I will be hosting the Personal Assistance Services Council of Los Angeles in my District Office for an essential Personal Protective Equipment Drive-Thru Distribution for In Home Supportive Service Providers and consumers in the San Fernando Valley.

Attendees will receive a care package of gloves, water, and n95 masks. I am grateful for our hardworking IHSS workers for serving our residents during this trying time. If you’re provider or consumer, please come by with your Provider# so we can verify, and give you free PPE!

If you have any questions, please see the flyers provided or contact my office at (818)504-3911.

Next Friday, on October 16th

Preparedness Fair

Reminder: Tomorrow is the Preparedness Fair — Sign up at
Top five reasons to get prepared NOW
You live in Southern California.
You might save your own life or the life of a loved one (human or pet).
In a large disaster, emergency services will be overwhelmed and won’t be there to help you for days or perhaps weeks.
The first 60 minutes after a disaster are critical for survival. Do you have a plan to follow — or will you panic?
When disaster strikes, the time for preparation just ended. Do you have food, water, and first-aid supplies at home, in your car, and at the office? Don’t forget supplies for your pets! Prepare now!

Reminder: Tomorrow is the Preparedness Fair

Support Relief Efforts to Refugees Fleeing the Attacks in Artsakh
Support Relief Efforts to Refugees Fleeing the Attacks in Artsakh

Visited with the dedicated volunteers of the @armeniafund to support relief efforts to refugees fleeing the attacks in Artsakh. Proud of my friend and President of the Armenia Fund Maria Mehranian for their successful efforts that are on pace to raise over $100m in mere days! Thankful to the AGBU Scouts for their volunteerism and partnership to collect donations from our community that will be shipped to Armenia. Of course none of this is possible without the incredible work from my team and generous contributions from our beautiful community. Thank you! We are one LA!

#weareonela #teammrod #artsakhstrong #agbu #pacoima #sunlandtujunga #sylmar #missionhills #armeniafund #shesepuede #immigrantswegetthejobdone

Visited with the dedicated volunteers

Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU)
Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU)

Today, my office has partnered with the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Scouts Los Angeles San Fernando Valley Chapter, to support the ArmeniaFund to host a donation drive to collect items for families impacted by the conflict in Artsakh.

socks, flashlights, blankets, crutches, wheelchairs, canes, walkers, thermoses, backpacks, sleeping bags, and winter coats.

Friday, October 9, 2020 @ 10AM to 3PM

Pacoima City Hall, 13520 Van Nuys Blvd, Pacoima, CA 91331

Thank you for your support and if you have any question, please call my office in Pacoima City Hall at (818) 485-0600.

Click here for the digital flyer:

Today, my office has partnered