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Wednesday / February 5.

Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez - Here with the Sikh Community at Khalsa Care Foundation ready to Distribute over 3000 Hot Meals

I’m here with the Sikh community at Khalsa Care Foundation ready to distribute over 3000 hot meals to local families. You can drive-thru or pick up your delicious vegetarian meal every Friday at 2 pm until supplies last. I’m proud of this partnership and generosity of the Sikh community in the Northeast San Fernando Valley.

REMINDER: Please honor operating guidelines and traffic safety rules while you wait in line. We need to make sure our volunteers are staff are not at risk.

My office and I will continue to help meet your needs during these difficult times. Call us at 818-485-0600 if you have any questions regarding COVID-19 resources of city services.

I'm here with the Sikh community at

Credible Sources for LA-area Coronavirus Information & Resources

Please do not share news or public health advice that may become dangerously outdated. Instead, share credible sources for locally relevant information that are constantly updated.

City of Los Angeles COVID portal: http://corona-virus.LA

County COVID portal:

LA Public Health portal:

Mayor’s FAQ on what you can/can’t do while Safer At Home orders are in effect: http://corona-virus.LA/FAQ

NotifyLA – get text/email alerts on COVID-19 in the City of LA:

LAUSD – student meals pickup center list + remote educational resources:

Dept of Aging – for senior services:

Map of senior meal pickup sites:

VolunteerLA – City of LA COVID response volunteer opportunities:

Guidance, loans, evictions moratorium for small businesses:

Credible Sources for LA-area Coronavirus Information &

Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez  - Call or Text 911 for Domestic Violence

While we honor orders to stay home during this crisis, for some victims and survivors of domestic violence, home isn’t a safe place. You are not alone. If you or a loved one is experiencing domestic violence, we are here for you. You can call or text 911 or call the 24/7 domestic violence hotline at 1-800-978-3600. Find more information at

While we honor orders to stay home

Assemblymember Luz Rivas Desk -Thank You Everyone from #AD39 for Attending Virtual Townhall

From Assemblymember Luz Rivas Desk -Thank You Everyone from #AD39 for Attending Virtual Townhall

From Assemblymember Luz Rivas Desk -Thank You Everyone from #AD39 for Attending Virtual Townhall

From Assemblymember Luz Rivas Desk -Thank You Everyone from #AD39 for Attending Virtual Townhall

Thank you to my guest panelist, Dr. Frank Alvarez from Los Angeles County Department of Public Health for participating in my virtual townhall today! Thank you everyone from #AD39 for attending my townhall and for asking questions! Join me next week, where I bring in Legal Aid at Work to talk about EDD/Unemployment Insurance claims. More info to come! ‬

‪ Thank you to my guest panelist, Dr.

From Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk - TOMORROW (Friday, April 17 & every Friday): We're Serving Thousands of Hot Meals in Partnership with the Khalsa Care Foundation

TOMORROW (Friday, April 17 & every Friday): We’re serving thousands of hot meals in partnership with the Khalsa Care Foundation. Everyone is welcome to enjoy a delicious vegetarian meal through the drive-thru or pick up. Service begins at 2 pm until supplies last at the Khalsa Care Foundation (9989 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Pacoima, CA 91331). This is the largest hot meals service of its kind in the Northeast San Fernando Valley. For questions, call my Pacoima City Hall Office at 818-485-0600.


Ապրիլի 17-ից եւ ամեն Ուրբաթ օր, «Khalsa Care Foundation»-ի հետ նոր ընկերակցութիւն եմ հաստատել, որը Լոս Անճելըս Գաւառի ընտանիքների եւ բնակիչների համար հնարաւորութիւն կը տրամադրի դիւրութեամբ պատրաստած ճաշ վերցնելու։ Սպասարկութիւնը Ժամը 2-ին ցերեկոյեան պիտի սկսուի մինչև տաք ուտեստները վերջանան։Կենտրոնը գտնուում է 9989 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Pacoima, CA 91331։Սան Ֆերնանտօ հովիտի հիւսիսարեւելեան շրջանի ամենամեծ սննդի կենտրոնն է «Khalsa Care Foundation» կազմակերպութիւնը։ Զանգահարէք 818-485-0600 որևիցէ հարցերի դէպքում ։

TOMORROW (Friday, April 17 & every Friday):

From Assemblymember Luz Rivas Desk - Los Angeles Unified School District UPDATE

NEW Los Angeles Unified School District UPDATE this week to support students and parents through #COVID19.

Superintendent Beutner announced that LAUSD will reopen school facilities once State and local health authorities deem it is safe and appropriate to do so. For this reason, the remainder of the school year will be completed in the current, remote fashion and they will hold summer school in a similar manner.

Meals: Since launching the 63 Grab and Go Food Centers on March 18th, LAUSD has provided more than 7 million meals to children and families. They are also partnering with Mayor Garcetti’s office and the City of LA to provide meals and snacks to children participating in targeted child care programs.

Childcare: Starting April 13, the Los Angeles Recreation and Parks Department will provide free care 7 days a week for children between the ages of 6 and 14 at City recreation centers located near participating hospitals to accommodate essential hospital employees who are unable to have their children cared for at home.

Distance Learning: LAUSD reached an agreement late last week with UTLA to provide the flexibility and support educators need to work in these extraordinary circumstances. To date, approximately 51% of our teachers have completed additional professional development and training to support students during this transition to distance learning. This week, LAUSD is also sending every high school student headphones they can use while working online to help eliminate distractions.

Summer School and Credit Recovery: LAUSD plans to offer four-week blocks of study for students at all levels. The focus will be on literacy, fluency in math and critical thinking and we are exploring new and creative ways to make the learning fun and interesting. For those students who are a few credits short, we are working with our Community College partners to help students.

Grading Policy: Grades will be provided for students for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. Consistent with state guidance, students can work to improve their grades, but will not penalize those who may not have access to technology or may be experiencing difficulties. No failing grades will be given.

NEW Los Angeles Unified School District UPDATE

Small Business Owners Can Apply for $15 Million Loan Fund Today

❗Urgent❗Small Business Owners Can Apply for $15 Million Loan Fund Today at 1 p.m. The County of Los Angeles has partnered private partners to bring $15 million in additional private capital to small businesses and nonprofits in the Los Angeles County region. The online portal ( will open TODAY, April 15th at 1 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact the Los Angeles County Disaster Help Center at 833-238-4450.


Urgente: propietarios de pequeños negocios pueden solicitar $ 15 millones del Fondo de Préstamos Hoy a 1 p.m.

Llamando a todos los propietarios de pequeñas empresas y organizaciones no lucrativas: El condado de Los Ángeles se ha asociado socios privados para llevar $ 15 millones en capital privado adicional a las pequeñas empresas y organizaciones no lucrativas en la región del condado de Los Ángeles. Los fondos serán desplegados a través del Programa de Protección de la cheque (PPP), un producto de préstamo perdonable creado por la ley federal, de coronavirus ayuda, Alivio y seguridad económica (CARES) Ley.

Los primeros informes indican que la financiación de los préstamos federales PPP puede agotarse en todo el país a partir del viernes 17 de abril de 2020. El portal de aplicaciones brindará una oportunidad para que las pequeñas empresas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro soliciten préstamos PPP si no han podido hacerlo a través de un Institución bancaria tradicional.

El portal en línea se abrirá HOY, 15 de abril a la 1 p.m. (

Se recomienda a todos los propietarios de negocios elegibles y organizaciones sin fines de lucro que no hayan podido solicitar un préstamo PPP a través de un banco u otras instituciones financieras que presenten una solicitud de consulta. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el Centro de ayuda por desastre del condado de Los Ángeles al 833-238-4450.


Կոչ կ’անենք բոլոր բարեգործական կազմակերպութիւններին եւ աշխատանքային կենտրոններին։ Լոս Անճելըս Վարչութիւնը տարբեր կազմակերպութիւնների հետ $15 միլիոն տոլար է հաստատել բարեգործական կազմակերպութիւնների եւ աշխատանքային կենտրոնների օգուտի համար։ Դրամի փոխանումը «Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)» կառավարական կազմակերպութեան միջոցով է կատարուելու։ Այցելեցէք (։
Որևիցէ հարցերի դէպքում, զանգահարէք «Los Angeles County Disaster Help Center» այս թիւու 833-238-4450։

❗Urgent❗Small Business Owners Can Apply for $15

From Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk - Installation of New Stop Signs in Sylmar

From Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk - Installation of New Stop Signs in Sylmar

While you honor orders to stay at home and slow the spread of the COVID-19, I want to assure you that my team is available to you and working around the clock to continue the delivery of important city services.

I’m happy to report that we’ve installed new stop signs in Sylmar. Local residents contacted my office about dangerous traffic at the intersection of Beaver Street and Dronfield Avenue. My office worked with the Department of Transportation to install red curbs and two new stop signs at this location, making this intersection an all-way stop. If you come across a similar issue, please call my office at 818-485-0600.


Mientras ustedes cumplen con las órdenes de quedarse en casa para ralentizar el COVID-19, quiero asegurarle que mi equipo está disponible para ustedes y estamos trabajando las 24 horas para continuar brindando servicios de calidad en la ciudad.

Me complace informarles que hemos instalado nuevas señales de alto en Sylmar. Los residentes locales se comunicaron con mi oficina sobre el tráfico peligroso en la intersección de Beaver Street y Dronfield Avenue. Mi oficina trabajó con el Departamento de Transporte para instalar bordillos rojos y dos nuevas señales de alto en esta ubicación, haciendo esta intersección una parada complete. Si encuentra un problema similar, llame a mi oficina al 818-485-0600.

While you honor orders to stay at

From Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk - Mayor Eric Garcetti Announced Direct Financial Assistance to Angelenos facing Extreme Economic Hardship

Mayor Eric Garcetti announced direct financial assistance to Angelenos facing extreme economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.

The application process for the Angeleno Card opens TODAY (Tuesday, April 14 at 8:30 am). Applications will be accepted from 8:30 am- 4:30 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

The Angeleno Card aims to help low-wage hourly workers who had jobs in homes and restaurants, seasonal workers, and other workers such as day laborers, street vendors, or self-employed individuals who are experiencing heightened financial hardship because of COVID-19.

To be eligible, applicants must provide documentation that confirms that:
1) their household is in the City of Los Angeles,
2) their income fell below the Federal Poverty Level per household size before the COVID-19 crisis (see table below),
3) they have fallen into deeper economic hardship during the crisis because at least one household member lost a job or had a reduction in income of at least 50%. Immigration status is not considered in determining eligibility.

Applications for the Angeleno Card will be available only online by visiting Individual applications can only be completed Tuesday, April 14 through Thursday, April 16, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. People without internet access or who need help applying online may call 213-252-3040, Tuesday, April 14 through Thursday, April 16, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Those who pre-qualify based on their online or telephone applications will be given an in-person appointment at a designated community center. These centers cannot help anyone without an appointment.


El alcalde Eric Garcetti anunció asistencia financiera directa a los angelinos que enfrentan dificultades económicas extremas como resultado de la crisis COVID-19. El proceso de solicitud para la Tarjeta Angeleno se abre el martes 14 de abril a las 8:30 a.m. Se aceptarán solicitudes de 8:30 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. el martes, miércoles y jueves de esta semana solamente. La Tarjeta Angeleno tiene como objetivo ayudar a los trabajadores de bajos salarios que tenían trabajos en hogares y restaurantes, trabajado temporales, jornaleros, vendedores ambulantes o personas que trabajan por cuenta propia y que están experimentando dificultades financieras mayores debido a COVID-19.

Para ser elegible, los solicitantes deben proporcionar documentación que confirme que:

1) su hogar está en la ciudad de Los Ángeles,

2) falta de los mínimos recursos económicos para poder sostener su hogar antes de la crisis COVID-19 (ver la tabla a continuación),

3) están en dificultades económicas más profundas durante la crisis porque al menos un miembro del hogar perdió un trabajo o tuvo una reducción en los ingresos de al menos el 50%. El estado de inmigración no se considera al determinar la elegibilidad dado que este programa está financiado de forma privada. Cualquier asistencia recibida no se considera un beneficio público y no está sujeta a la regla de Cargo Público.

Las solicitudes para la tarjeta Angeleno estarán disponibles sólo en línea visitando Las solicitudes individuales solo se pueden completar del Martes 14 de Abril hasta el Jueves 16 de Abril de 8:30 a.m. hasta las 4:30 p.m. Las personas sin acceso a Internet o que necesitan ayuda para solicitar en línea pueden llamar al 213-252-3040, del Martes 14 de Abril hasta el Jueves 16 de Abril, de las 8:30 a.m. hasta las 4:30 p.m.

Aquellos que pre-califiquen en función de sus solicitudes en línea o telefónicas recibirán una cita en persona en un centro comunitario designado. Estos centros no pueden ayudar a nadie sin una cita. Los solicitantes deberán proporcionar documentación en esta cita y podrán subir fotos o copias digitales de la documentación por adelantado. Los solicitantes aprobados recibirán una tarjeta por un monto entre $ 700 y $ 1500, según los ingresos y el tamaño del hogar.


Քաղաքապետ Գարսետին յայտարարել է անմիջական տնտեսական օգնութեան միջոց, այն մարդկանց համար որ Քորոնա Ժահրի գործնական փակումների պատճառով գործազուրկ են եղել ։

Այս ծրագիրը սկսուելու է, Ապրիլի 14-ից մինչև Ապրիլի 16, 8:30 առաւօտից մինչև 4:30 երեկոյեան։։ «Angeleno Card» ծրագրի նպատակը տնտեսական օգնութիւն հասցնելն է այն գործաուրներին որ աշխատանքային կորուստ են ունեցել COVID-19-ի պատճառով։

«Angeleno Card» ծրագրից օգտուէլու համար հարկաւոր էհետևեալը։

1)Լոս Անճելըս Քաղաքի Բնակիչ եք։

2) Իբր Դաշնակցային նախագիծով, ձեր եկամուտը միջին կարգից աւելի ցածր դրութեան մէջ էր գտնուում մինչև COVID-19ի տնտեսական ազդեցութիւնից ։

3) Դուք կամ ձեր ընտանիքի անդամներից մէկը գործազուրկ է եղել կամ եկամուտի 50 տոկոս կորուստ է ունեցել։

Դիմումնագիրը լրացնելու համար այցելեցէք, կամ զանգահարէք 213-252-3040։

Mayor Eric Garcetti announced direct financial assistance