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Wednesday / February 5.

From Assemblymember Luz Rivas Desk - Have Launched #AskLuz #PregúntaleALuz to Help Answer AD39's FAQs
From Assemblymember Luz Rivas Desk - Have Launched #AskLuz #PregúntaleALuz to Help Answer AD39's FAQs
Let me start by staying how proud I am of #AD39 for staying strong and doing their part to #StayHome and #ShelterInPlace in order to protect everyone in our community during #COVID19 #Coronavirus. I understand how disruptive this pandemic has been and it has not been easy for anyone in our community.

My team and I are committed to continuing to serve you by providing resources and assistance to help our community through this challenging time. I have received an abundance of questions on COVID-19 as it relates to federal, state and local resources therefore, I have launched #AskLuz #PregúntaleALuz to help answer AD39’s most frequently asked questions.

If you have questions related to COVID-19, need resources, or assistance, you can:
1) Leave a comment and use the #AskLuz #PregúntaleALuz,
2) Call my Office at: (818) 504-3911, or
3) Email me at:

Let me start by staying how proud

Assemblymember Luz Rivas  - Small Businesses can Now Apply for the #PaycheckProtectionProgram

Small businesses can now apply for the #PaycheckProtectionProgram. The program is designed to keep small business workers employed & provide small businesses with capital through the nation’s banks & other lending institutions. #COVID19 #Coronavirus

For more information:–%20Overview.pdf

Apply here:

Small businesses can now apply for the

We are all in financially challenging times right now. If you are struggling to or unable to pay for your water service, your water will not be shut off.

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed an Executive Orders that restricts water shutoffs to homes and small businesses while the state responds to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information, please see his Executive Order:

We are all in financially challenging times

Assemblymember Luz Rivas Desk - the Department of Motor Vehicles Helping Seniors
I’m happy to share that the Department of Motor Vehicles is helping Seniors and drivers avoid required office visits for driver’s license renewals. Seniors with an expiring driver’s license will receive a 120-day extension in the mail during the COVID-19 pandemic. For those with safe driving records whose last DMV visit was 15 years ago will not be required to renew in person for the next 60 days and will be able to renew online or by mail. If your ID or Driver’s License was lost or stolen and it doesn’t expire in 30 days, you can use the online services and order a duplicate for $30.

The DMV continues to provide essential services via mail, online, kiosks, and its call center at (800) 777-0133. For more information, please visit:

I’m happy to share that the Department

ATTENTION ALL LAUSD FAMILIES: Beginning Monday, April 6th, Los Angeles Unified School District Grab and Go Food Center hours are 8 am to 11 am.

LAUSD launches a phone hotline students and families can call for help to manage fear, anxiety and other challenges related to #COVID19 #Coronavirus. The phone hotline: (213) 241-3840 and will be open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays, staffed by counselors and mental health professionals to provide support in both English and Spanish.

LAUSD is also be distributing devices to students. For technology help please call (213) 443-1300. If a family is in need of internet connectivity at home, they may contact their school principal to request a hotspot.

For more information, please visit:


According to Los Angeles County Department of Public Health there are over 3,500 confirmed #COVID19 cases and 65 confirmed deaths. I am sharing this information not to scare you but to remind you to please #STAYHOME and #ShelterInPlace. You can still transmit COVID-19 even if you are not displaying symptoms of #Coronavirus. Can I count on you #AD39 to do your part in protecting our community and help #FlattenTheCurve?

According to Los Angeles County Department of

Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez - N95 Masks for First time responders and Medical Workers

Los primeros datos muestran que algunas personas que tienen COVID-19 no presentan síntomas. La ciudad de Los Ángeles está recomendando a todos los angelinos que usen cubiertas de tela para la cara y que dejen todas las máscaras quirúrgicas y N95 para los socorristas y los trabajadores médicos. Estas precauciones son altamente recomendables ya que todos continuamos practicando distanciamiento físico y lavándonos las manos.

Los primeros datos muestran que algunas personas

It’s April 1st and rent’s due. If you’re having trouble paying for rent, please read my newsletter ( Sign up to learn about helpful resources, all-things COVID-19, and City services.

For any questions please do not hesitate to contact my office at:
Pacoima City Hall: (818) 485-0600
Sylmar District Office: (818) 756-8409

It's April 1st and rent's due. If

From Monica Rodriguez Desk - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated the period of exposure
As of March 31, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated the period of exposure risk for close contacts from “onset of symptoms” to “48 hours before symptom onset.” This means: any person feeling symptomatic must notify close contacts from two days prior, that they are not feeling well so those individuals can start to monitor symptoms. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is working quickly to update its guidance with this new rule:

– Household member
– Intimate partner
– Individuals providing care in a household without using infection control precautions. Individual who has had close contact (< 6 feet) for a prolonged period of time.

Exposure to:
A person with symptomatic COVID-19 during the period from 48 hours before symptoms onset until meets criteria for discontinuing home isolation (can be a laboratory-confirmed disease or a clinically compatible illness in a state or territory with widespread community transmission)

Recommended precautions for the public:

  • – Stay home until 14 days after last exposure and maintain social distance (at least 6 feet) from others at all times
  • – Self-monitor for symptoms
  • – Check temperature twice a day
  • – Watch for fever, cough, or shortness of breath
  • – Avoid contact with people at higher risk for severe illness (unless they live in the same home and had same exposure)
  • – Follow CDC guidance for more information:

As of March 31, 2020, the Centers

Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez - Surgical and N95 masks for medical workers
Early data shows some individuals who have COVID-19 are not exhibiting symptoms. The City of Los Angeles is advising all Angelenos to use cloth face coverings when in public. We must leave all surgical and N95 masks for first responders and medical workers. These precautions are highly encouraged as we all continue to practice physical distancing and washing our hands.

Early data shows some individuals who have