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Wednesday / February 5.

Assemblymember Luz Rivas - Statewide Moratorium on Evictions Assemblymember Luz Rivas - Statewide Moratorium on Evictions Assemblymember Luz Rivas - Statewide Moratorium on Evictions Assemblymember Luz Rivas - Statewide Moratorium on Evictions I joined my colleagues to urge California Governor Gavin Newsom to issue an executive order to implement a statewide ban on evictions for the duration of the #COVID19 #Coronavirus state of emergency. The Governor heard us and took immediate executive action to establish a Statewide Moratorium on Evictions. The order is effective immediately and will apply through May 31, 2020.

For more information, please visit:

I joined my colleagues to urge California

This week marks our second week staying safer at home, and I want to thank everyone for their continued cooperation in adhering to public safety orders. Practicing social distancing saves lives. Period.

However, I’ve heard from residents about the continued operation of some non-essential businesses. Failing to follow these orders will cost lives.

If you witness a business out of compliance with the City’s orders, report it to the google form below. Not sure what is considered essential? Visit:

This week marks our second week staying

El Coronavirus ha tenido mucho efecto en nuestra economía y a dejado a muchas personas sin trabajo. Ha afectado especialmente a los trabajadores indocumentados y a muchas familias del Distrito 39 de la Asamblea.

Si tiene permiso de trabajo, solicite Seguro de Desempleo con el Departamento de Desarrollo de Empleo (EDD). Puede usar el enlace para aplicar para Beneficios del Seguro Estatal de Incapacidad (SDI), Seguro del Permiso Familiar Pagado (PFL), o los Beneficios del Seguro de Desempleo (UI).

Por favor comuníquese con mi oficina del distrito al (818) 504-3911 para cualquier pregunta o inquietud. Estamos aquí para servirles durante estos tiempos difíciles.

El Coronavirus ha tenido mucho efecto en

El Departamento de Servicios Públicos Sociales proporciona varios servicios. Si no califica debido a su estado migratorio, otras personas en su hogar pudiesen calificar. El departamento de USCIS no considerara beneficios recibidos por miembros del hogar como carga pública. Si gustaria aplicar para Servicios Públicos puede usar el enlace para proceder.

Por favor comuníquese con mi oficina del distrito al (818) 504-3911 para cualquier pregunta o inquietud. Estamos aquí para servirles durante estos tiempos difíciles.

El Departamento de Servicios Públicos Sociales proporciona

El Distrito Unificado de Los Ángeles continuará proporcionando comidas nutritivas a todos los estudiantes que las necesiten durante el cierre temporal de las escuelas. Los Centros de Comida para llevar estarán abiertos entre semana de 7am a 11am.

Las familias que deseen recoger comidas gratis para sus estudiantes pueden visitar uno de los 64 Centros de Alimentos para llevar. Cada niño puede llevar a casa dos comidas nutritivas. Los padres de los niños no tendrán que llevar a sus niños para recoger la comida.

Escuelas Charter

Escuelas LAUSD

Por favor comuníquese con mi oficina del distrito al (818) 504-3911 para cualquier pregunta o inquietud. Estamos aquí para servirles durante estos tiempos difíciles.

El Distrito Unificado de Los Ángeles continuará

Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez - COVID-19 While we honor stay-at-home orders to slow the spread of COVID-19, I want to assure you that my team is working around the clock to continue the delivery of city services.

I’m pleased to share the progress made through Operation Bright SPOT, a targeted neighborhood cleanup program at our major commercial corridors. My team completed work on Foothill Blvd. between Osborne St. and Filmore St. in Lake View Terrace. We repainted the faded red curbs, removed graffiti & weeds, power washed sidewalks, and swept the streets. See a commercial corridor in your area that needs cleaning? Please call my district office at 818-485-0600.

While we honor stay-at-home orders to slow

Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez - City Partners

I am working with City partners to ensure that all Angelenos receive services during this critical time. Through a motion I co-presented with Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell, the City installed over 250 handwashing stations at homeless encampments throughout Los Angeles. This week, I also introduced legislation that will provide additional handwashing stations at bus shelters across the City. Access to hygiene resources is important to prevent any further spread of the virus. More information visit:

I am working with City partners to